COVID-19 Teacher / Staff Resources
Latest Updates
- HSCO Public Schools Spring Collaboration Virtual Meeting; Disabilities and Returning to Classrooms Resource List
- National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning; Transition to Kindergarten: Resource Guide
- Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center; COVID and the Head Start Community
- Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Delivery of IDEA Early Childhood Services During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
- What Is COVID-19? And How Does It Relate to Child Development? - Harvard Center for the Developing Child
- How to Support Children (and Yourself) During the COVID-19 Outbreak - Harvard Center for the Developing Child
- ChildTrends: Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ChildTrends: Ways to promote children’s resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Common Sense Media: Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Early Learning Nation: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving COVID-19: 8 Strategies to Keep Children Healthy and Happy
- Harvard Graduate School of Education: Helping Children Cope with Coronavirus and Uncertainty
- National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
- The Dunn Lab: Science-Based Strategies to Protect Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ZERO to THREE: Tips for Families: Coronavirus
- Center on the Developing Child: Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence
- Center on the Developing Child: Mejora y Práctica de las Habilidades de Función Ejecutiva con Niños desde la Infancia Hasta la Adolescencia
- Defending the Early Years: Guidance for Supporting Young Children through Covid-19
- Kinedu
- PBS Daily Activities for Families
- Peep and the Big Wide World Videos y Actividades para los padres de familia
- TinkerGarten at Home: free activities in English and Spanish
- Vroom
Other Resources
Resources from Frog Street and Age of Learning
- In light of the growing number of school closures, Frog Street’s partner, Age of Learning announced they are providing free home access to ABCmouse, Adventure Academy, and ReadingIQ for all families in the U.S.
- District or school leaders of schools facing closures who seek such assistance can go to to obtain free access to the programs for their students during school closures. This media advisory link contains brief descriptions of the programs.
Resources from Ready4K
- Developed by educational researchers, Ready4K is an evidence-based family engagement curriculum delivered via text message. Each week, parents and caregivers receive fun facts and easy tips on how to promote their children’s development by building on existing family routines – like pointing out the letters on shampoo bottles during bath time and naming their sounds, counting the number of forks and spoons as you put them away, or making feeling faces in the mirror after you brush your teeth. In a series of randomized controlled trials, this approach has been shown to increase child development by 2 to 3 months over the course of a school year. The Ready4K curriculum covers birth through fourth grade and is available in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Resources from Brightly
Reading Through It Together: Educational Resources & Activities to Use While the Kids Are at Home
Resources from Scholastic
- Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these special cross-curricular journeys. Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video. Kids can do them on their own, with their families, or with their teachers. Just find your grade level and let the learning begin!
Resources from Teachstone
- Coronavirus Resources for Educators and Parents. HERE
Resources from Kentucky's Governor's Office of Early Childhood
- The Atlanta Speech School Online Preschool will open our FREE Online Preschool for your child and every child, everywhere.
- Bright by Text is a texting program that families and caregivers can sign-up for by texting 'KET KIDS' to 27448. The messages cover tips and activities to support developmental milestones, brain development, social-emotional behavior, nutrition, and more.
- Spectrum offering 60 days free broadband and WiFi to households with students impacted by COVID-19. For information call 1-844-488-8395.
- Free service provided by COMCAST through Xfinity, there are limits and conditions to the free service.
- While schools are closed due to coronavirus concerns, KET and PBS are here for parents with on-air and online resources to help ensure learning continues at home. There are resources available for all grade levels.
-® Early Learning Academy a comprehensive, research-validated curriculum for preschool through second grade, available on all major digital platforms and used by tens of millions of children to date.
- The WIDA Early Years team has developed two free activity books, available in English and Spanish that support conversations with young children about their families and environments.
- Learning Language Every Day: Activities for Families Aprendiendo Lenguaje todos Los días: Actividades para families: In support of children, parents and educators across the nation who are learning at home due to COVID-19, Frog Street is launching the Frog Street for Young Learners program today for children ages 3-5!
- Conscious Discipline an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach to social and emotional learning, is offering free resources to support professionals, caregivers, families, and children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Free resources can be found here.
- The "Meals for Kids" interactive map directs people to local sites where kids can get free meals. The site finder currently lists more than 20,000 meal sites from 23 states, and more sites will be added as states submit data each week. The map is available in both English and Spanish at
- Lakeshore Learning is offering over 1,000 FREE resources for children from birth through elementary school-aged.
- The Lane Research Lab provides researched-based strategies and interventions for children who are at risk or children diagnosed with a disability, such as autism spectrum disorder. Everything on the site is meant to provide parents, practitioners, and researchers with information that can be used to improve socially-meaningful behaviors in children.